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Great Night Out

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Great Night Out Empty Great Night Out

Post  Vino Sun Jul 29, 2012 8:20 am

Well done to Caroline & all who helped for bringing over Darryl Fitton & Tony O'Shea Very Happy
It was a brilliant night with over 120 in attendance. cheers
The 2 Pro's were fantastic fun as was the MC & it was nice to see 2nd division players getting a chance to play. affraid
There were even some of the players from Jersey who came over including Sumo who it is was great to see jocolor
The organisers need a huge pat on the back for trying to do something like this so congratulations cos i really enjoyed it lol!
Memorable moments include Darryl Fitton & Bobo (only there Mum's can tell them apart) & Bobo's fantastic score of 169 to leave Tops (Brilliant Darts)cheers
Again well done & here's to the next time drunken


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Join date : 2011-11-06
Age : 60

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