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Winmau World Masters 2013

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Winmau World Masters 2013 Empty Winmau World Masters 2013

Post  Caroline La Touche Thu Jun 06, 2013 8:03 am

Knockouts for the Winmau are being held on the 20th June at the West Legion 7.30pm entrance fee £5. We have places available for 4 men and 2 women and you need to be affiliated to the Guernsey Darts Association 2010 to be able to enter.
This year the Winmau is being held in Hull and you will also enter the Lakeside Qualifiers while you are there, you will need to be able to travel on Monday the 7th October and returning on Monday 14th October.If you require further information you can either contact myself or Barry Williams.

Caroline La Touche

Posts : 10
Join date : 2011-11-05

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