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Jersey V Guernsey Inter-Insular 2013

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Jersey V Guernsey Inter-Insular 2013 Empty Jersey V Guernsey Inter-Insular 2013

Post  Caroline La Touche Mon Mar 11, 2013 5:02 pm

It is with great pleasure I announce this year's teams for the Inter-Insular being held in Jersey on the 27th April 2013 congratulations to all of you.
Mens A Team; Lee Smith, Rob Foss, Mark Fletcher, Chris smith, Phil Dodd, Micky Ogier Snr, Leighton De La Mare, Simon De La Mare,Peter Allen and Aaron Billien(reserve).
Mens B Team; Kevin Brouard, Darren Lilley, Andy Fallaize, Neil Hutchinson, Andy McCarthy, Martyn Young, Richard Moullin, Alex Rosamund and Darren Langford.
Ladies; Sharon Le Page, June Allen, Yvonne Le Gallic, Astrid Allen, Jo Ellis, Caroline La Touche, Ann Fallaize, Tracy De la Haye,Jayne Vaudin and Megan Billien(reserve).

Caroline La Touche

Posts : 10
Join date : 2011-11-05

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